TMJD Symptom Series, Part 5: Ear Pain

For Part 5 of our TMJD Symptom Series, we will discuss the common problems associated with the ears. TMJ complications can affect the ears by causing a ringing sound, pain, and itchy or clogged ears.
Here are 5 TMJD symptoms that are associated with ear problems:
1.Tinnitus or ringing of the ear
TMJ may cause a hissing, buzzing, ringing or roaring sound inside the ear, also known as tinnitus (tin-EYE-tus). This can be a result of compression of the ligament between the jaw joint and the ear canal. If you constantly deal with a ringing or buzzing sound in your ear, it may be time to see a TMJ massage therapist.
2. Diminished hearing
Hearing problems and a loss of hearing is thought to be caused by TMJ due to the blocking or inflammation of the eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the upper throat and back of the nasal cavity. If the eustachian tube is disrupted, it can cause difficulty and loss of hearing, as well as other ear pain symptoms.
3. Ear Pain without Infection
Ear pain may occur with talking, chewing, or yawning. Chewing gum excessively, for example, can overwork the jaw and result in subtle muscle spasms. Pressure on muscles in and around the jaw can result in pain and tenderness that radiate into the ear.
4. Clogged ears
As we mentioned, blockage of the eustachian tube as a result of TMJ can cause an increase in fluid pressure. The blocked tube cannot equalize pressure between the middle ear and the outside air, causing one or both ears to feel clogged (plugged) or stuffy.
5. Dizziness and vertigo
The mechanism that balances the body is located in the inner ear. Because this mechanism is delicate and sensitive to pressure, disruption can cause disorientation, dizziness, and a feeling of disequilibrium. You may notice trouble with balance, including spinning, tilting, and swaying.
Are your ears ringing? Have you been experiencing vertigo? Schedule an appointment with TMJ Massage and see how massage therapy can treat your pain.
Next up in our TMJD Symptom Series: Neck, Back and Shoulders.