
Trigger points can be a pain in the butt. Commonly referred to as “trigger points,” these concentrated epicenters of pain can really put a damper on your best day.

Many people have “trigger points” or muscle knots for pain located in their jaw, head, and neck. Although trigger points can cause stubborn flashes of pain, they are often underdiagnosed. The ensuing headaches, earaches or toothaches can affect the position of the jaw, and with it, the muscles in the jaw.

Your primary chewing muscle is the masseter. It covers the sides of the jaw behind the cheeks and is the muscle that you use to clench your jaw and grind your teeth. Not surprisingly, it’s also the most common location for trigger points in the human body. The masseter muscle knots can directly cause or complicate several problems such as tension headaches, earaches, toothaches, and tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

You can see why this muscle, along with others tied to trigger points, might benefit from TMJ massage. Give us a call today. Our trained TMJ massage therapists can identify the root cause of your TMJ or find your trigger points and provide immediate relief.


It’s been estimated that over 10 million Americans suffer from TMJD or temporomandibular joint disorder. If you’re someone who does not from this pain, consider yourself a lucky one – maybe you’ll even find a penny head’s up on your way to work this morning!

We’ve put together seven ways you can keep your lucky streak going and avoid TMJD:

  1. Relax your face — remember the rule: “Lips together, teeth apart”
  2. Avoid grinding your teeth
  3. Avoid constant gum chewing
  4. Don’t cradle the phone receiver between your head and shoulder — either use a headset or hold the receiver to your ear
  5. Chew food evenly on both sides of your mouth
  6. Do not sit with your chin rested on your hand
  7. Practice good posture — keep your head up, back straight, and shoulders squared

By practicing these techniques daily, you’ll condition yourself to keep the pain at bay. Are you already feeling symptoms in a certain region of your body? Check out our TMJD Symptom Series here.

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