TMJD Symptom Series, Part 4: Eye Pain

So far in our series, we have covered the symptoms felt in the jaw, teeth, and the head and face. Another warning sign can be found in and around the eyes. How do you know if these symptoms are related to TMJD?
4 TMJD symptoms that are associated with eye problems:
1. Eye pain
If you have experienced sharp, throbbing or a stabbing-like pain above, below, or behind one or both eyes, you may be suffering from TMJD (temporo mandibular joint disorder). The temporo mandibular joint that connects the jaw to the upper part of the skull, allowing the mouth to open and close. Located in between your ear and eye socket, this joint can cause inflammation, pain and soreness within the eye socket when it is damaged or dislocated.
2. Bloodshot eyes
Through an intricate system of muscles and nerves, your TMJ is wired to nearly everything in your face, neck and head. Soreness or inflammation of your TMJ can cause restless nights and as a result, eyes may appear red, bloodshot and swollen.
3. Blurring Vision
Have you noticed that your vision becomes blurry or unclear during everyday tasks? If your blurred vision is accompanied by headaches or you are experiencing headaches frequently, this may be a result of TMJ.
4. Pressure behind the eyes
Pressure felt behind the eyes may result in swelling or twitching of the eyes. This pressure may be associated with an increase in sensitivity to light, constant watery eyes, and straining that is not associated to any eye problems.
Are you experiencing these symptoms in or around your eyes? Schedule an appointment with TMJ Massage to learn if your pain can be treated.
Next up in our TMJD Symptom Series: Ear Pain.